Friday, May 14, 2010

Final Entry (for now)

The three things that bound this class together were as follows:
1. DNA. Everything in some way relates to DNA. its structure, its components and function, and how things interact with it.
2. Gel electrophoresis. It seems that every lab, we ran a gel. due to this fact, I feel like gel electrophoresis is an important component to understanding the concepts in this course, and in this way binds everything together.
3. Computers have it out for me. Every assignment has been plagued with computer issues, from things not loading, to things not posting, to the final and utter obliteration of computer components due to a freak lightning strike about a week ago, I have learned that computers, while very important to this course, cannot be trusted. I have since learned to back up all my important school documents in multiple formats in multiple devices to prevent such horrific things from happening.

They are intertwined as gel electrophoresis can be used to analyze DNA and PCR reactions, which failed for me, though I hate to think of how they might have failed should a computer have been involved in the PCR process.

Edit: when posting this blog entry, I recieved an error message and had to retype everything! hooray! new lesson learned; use word to write entries for web-based submission.

1 comment:

  1. Computers are the devil! I agree when you say you can't trust them and I'm glad to hear that you've taken the proper precautions to win the battle against faulty technology. Maybe some day I shall learn the same lesson. Great job man!
